Research Article

The Impact of 18F-FDG PET CT Prior to Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III/IV Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Figure 2

Modification of radiotherapy target volume based on FDG PET-CT. T4 maxillary sinus SCC. Diagnostic CT staged at T4 N0. FDG PET-CT identified an FDG avid (SUVmax = 12) left retropharyngeal lymph node altering staging to T4 N1. The radiotherapy clinical target volume incorporates this lymph node. (a) Diagnostic CT. (b) Coregistered FDG PET-CT. (c) FDG PET. (d) Green line = clinical target volume on planning CT scan including FDG avid left retropharyngeal lymph node. White arrow = FDG avid left retropharyngeal lymph node.