Research Article

Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis for Grain Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Iran

Table 3

Analysis of variance on grain yield of 17 chickpea genotypes in 15 environments of Iran.

SourceDfMSRMSPD Explained (%)

Environment (E)1419050789**68.36
Year (Y) 28798258NS
Location (L) 442253254*
L × Y 810014496**
repeat (E)45150401
G × E224390364**22.41
IPCA 1 291016470**382.23
IPCA 2 27863187**359.61
IPCA 3 25431236**355.55
IPCA 4 23367192**349.83
IPCA 5 21299114**344.85
G × Y 32302721NS
G × L 64502035NS
IPCA 1 19436117**201.40
IPCA 2 1797155**193.63
G × L × Y 128356421**


N S , , and : nonsignificant, significant at the 0.05, and 0.01 probability level, respectively.
, RMSPD, the root mean square prediction differences in units of yield kg/ha.
, AMMI analysis for the set of cultivar × location means averaged across years.