Research Article

The Influence of Host Plants on Herbivore Community Composition on Brassica Crops in Western Siberia

Table 2

Parameters of Pieris brassicae development on Brassica oleraceae under laboratory condition.

𝐵 . oleracea varietyLongevity of larval development, days ( 𝑥 ± 𝑆 𝑥 ) Survived pupae, %Pupae weight, mg ( 𝑥 ± 𝑡 0 5 × 𝑆 𝑥 )

White cabbage17,4 ± 0,359, 6319,7 ± 11,6
Red cabbage18,6 ± 0,250, 7272,8 ± 13,4
Cauliflower15,1 ± 0,478, 3303,7 ± 8,2
LSD0111, 4