Review Article

Electrodynamics of Bechgaard Salts: Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Metals

Figure 6

Reflectivity spectra of measured at different temperatures along the stacking axis (solid black line) and perpendicular to it ( , solid green line). The filled symbols are obtained by a coherent source THz spectrometer, and the open symbols are calculated from microwave experiments [42ā€“44, 54]. The dashed lines represent a Drude fit, respectively. The inset of panel (c) shows the schematic phase diagram of the deconfinement transition for a system of weakly coupled conducting chains as suggested by [2, 55, 56]. The transition from a Mott insulator to a two- or three-dimensional metallic state occurs at when reaches a critical value . At high enough temperature, the increase in leads to a transition from a Mott insulating to a one-dimensional Luttinger liquid and further to a dimensional crossover into a metallic state. (Figure adopted from [57]).