Clinical Study

Streptococcal Pharyngitis: A Prospective Study of Compliance and Complications

Table 3

Stepwise linear regression model of the modification of the days of treatment with antibiotics against possible explanatory variables.

Independent variables (2) Recurrent positive GABHS throat culture within 7 days Recurrent positive GABHS culture within 8 to 30 days Recurrent clinically diagnosed tonsillopharyngitis
𝑏 Significance 𝑅 2 𝑏 Significance 𝑅 2 𝑏 Significance 𝑅 2

Treatment days0.490.0000.3920.060.0000.093
 1 to 3 days −−2.9500.999−4.7420.000
 4 to 6 days−33.350.9832.1200.999−1.6730.000
 7 to 10 days−0.3470.43234.1300.991−0.9080.244
 0.5 to 6.9 years3.5150.015 *2.9970.011 *1.288
 7 to 13.9 years−32.5890.9863.5420.9982.418
 Older than 14 years2.0980.0000.871.0001.389
 Neonatal period17.6110.9850.027−31.7470.994−18.3320.9960.000
Familial status17.4430.9940.009(1)18.0050.9950.008
Febrile days1.0000.0151.0000.3030.0000.284
 1 to 3 days6.0680.02 *19.4210.9805.4280.000
 4 to 6 days−33.35030.9930.997−18.3180.998
Clinical score0.37(1)0.21
 Lower than 1512.690.670.0023.6520.9710.535.2130.872
 Higher than 1514.320.210.0717.230.8232.3140.651
Associated illness(1)0.9860.0650.0780.223
 Otitis media(1)0.997−19010.127
 Lymphadenitis3.6780.013 *1.0002.6720.019
 Variables not in the model0.00100

Total 𝑅 2 0.6350.6310.645

* Statistically significant.
(1) Variables rejected from the model due to lack of significance ( 𝑃 < . 0 5 ).
(2) Dependant variable according to two definitions (i) the difference in antibiotics treatment days (ii) the variable that influences the recurrence of streptococcal pharyngitis.
(3) First group (dummy variable): positive throat culture up to 14 days = 1 treatment days, age, sex, marital status, neonatal complication, associated illness, and fever = 0.
(4) Second group (dummy variable): positive throat culture over 14 days = 1, treatment days, age, sex, marital status, neonatal complication, associated illness, and fever = 0.
(5) Treatment days (dummy variable): up no treatment = 1, 1 to 3 days, 4 to 6 days and 7 to10 days of treatment = 0.
(6) Age (dummy variable): until 5.9 years = 1, 6 to 9.9 years, 10–13.9 years, and 14–18 years = 0.
(7) Sex (dummy variable): male = 1 female = 0.
(8) Familial status (dummy variable): single-parent household = 1, two-parent household = 0.
(9) Neonatal period (dummy variable): no complication = 1, complication = 0.
(10) Associated medical signs and illness (dummy variable): cervical lymphadenitis = 1, conjunctivitis, AOM, URI, gastroenteritis = 0.
(8) Days with fever (dummy variable): no fever = 1, 1 to 3 days, and 4 to 6 days = 0.
(9) Clinical score card (dummy variable): CSC lower than 15 = 0 CSC higher than 15 = 1.