Research Article

Virtual Tutoring and Counseling in Schools

Table 4

(Area 2) Digital communication among all members of the educational community for promoting tutoring and counseling.

(1) What action based on ICT means improved tutoring and counseling among members of the educational community?

 (a) E-mail75%67%78%
 (b) Networking95%89%100%
 (c) Virtual Tutor40%54%78%
 (d) Virtual Agenda67%57%69%

(2) How do you rate the inclusion of ICT in tutoring and counseling between members of the educational community?

 (a) Excellent71%45%75%
 (b) Very good9%15%9%
 (c) Good10%10%6%
 (d) Regular9%12%6%
 (e) Poor1%18%4%