Research Article

An Analysis of the NSW Midwives Data Collection over an 11-Year Period to Determine the Risks to the Mother and the Neonate of Induced Delivery for Non-Obstetric Indication at Term

Table 2

Risks of induced term delivery to the mother and baby by gestational age.

Outcomes / (%)Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Perinatal Death
 37 weeks Gestation 8/2300 (0.3%)4.57 (2.04–10.24)
 38 weeks Gestation18/10028 (0.2%)2.39 (1.29–4.44)
 39 weeks Gestation12/15506 (0.1%)1.04 (0.52–2.08)
 40 weeks Gestation (reference)23/31162 (0.1%)1
 41 weeks Gestation and after58/56470 (0.1%)1.39 (0.86–2.26)
Admission to NICU
 37 weeks Gestation 81/2301 (3.5%)4.75 (3.67–6.16)
 38 weeks Gestation153/10030 (1.5%)2.11 (1.71–2.59)
 39 weeks Gestation175/15509 (1.1%)1.54 (1.27–1.88)
 40 weeks Gestation (reference)236/31161 (0.8%)1
 41 weeks Gestation and after613/56477 (1.1%)1.36 (1.17–1.59)
Apgar min
 37 weeks Gestation 127/3191 (4%)1.35 (1.12–1.62)
 38 weeks Gestation396/13935 (2.8%)0.96 (0.86–1.08)
 39 weeks Gestation572/21392 (2.7%)0.9 (0.81–0.99)
 40 weeks Gestation (reference)1227/39971 (3.1%)1
 41 weeks Gestation and after3228/73143 (4.4%)1.41 (1.31–1.5)
Apgar min 5 < 7
 37 weeks Gestation 79/3191 (2.5%) 2.22 (1.74–2.82)
 38 weeks Gestation180/3191 (1.3%)1.17 (0.98–1.39)
 39 weeks Gestation230/21391 (1.1%)0.95 (0.81–1.11)
 40 weeks Gestation (reference)474/39967 (1.2%)1
 41 weeks Gestation and after1176/73144 (1.6%)1.3 (1.16–1.44)
Likelihood of Caesarean Section
 37 weeks Gestation 377/3195 (11.8%)0.94 (0.82–1.08)
 38 weeks Gestation1454/13942 (10.4%)0.89 (0.82–0.96)
 39 weeks Gestation2362/21398 (11%)0.87 (0.82–0.93)
 40 weeks Gestation (reference)5799/39984 (14.5%)1
 41 weeks Gestation and after15009/73164 (20.5%)1.39 (1.34–1.45)

Adjusted for potential confounder of gestational diabetes. All inductions for diabetes, hypertension, fetal distress, fetal death, chorioamionitis, isoimmunisation, PROM, and IUGR were excluded. Adjusted for parity, smoking, maternal diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pregnancy induced hypertension. Subjects were singletons without indications of induction diabetes, hypertension, fetal distress, fetal death, chorioamionitis, isoimmunisation, PROM, and IUGR. Adjusted for maternal age, smoking, parity, diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Subjects with indications of induction excluded were diabetes, hypertension, fetal distress, fetal death, chorioamionitis, isoimmunisation, PROM, and IUGR. Adjusted for parity, diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Subjects were singletons without indications of induction of diabetes, hypertension, fetal distress, fetal death, chorioamionitis, isoimmunisation, PROM, and IUGR. Adjusted for maternal age, parity, smoking, maternal hypertension, pregnancy induced hypertension, maternal diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Subjects were singletons without indications of induction of diabetes, hypertension, fetal distress, fetal death, chorioamionitis, isoimmunisation, PROM, and IUGR.