Research Article

All Phase Resetting Curves Are Bimodal, but Some Are More Bimodal Than Others

Figure 1

The stable membrane potential oscillatory solution of Morris-Lecar model neuron (continuous line in panel (a)) has an intrinsic period , which can be transiently changed to (dashed line in panel (a)) due to a brief (inhibitory) perturbation applied at the stimulus time (vertical arrow) or stimulus phase . Equally, spaces phases, apart, are marked by solid circles along the unperturbed membrane potential trace (continuous line). The first order phase resetting curve (b), , represents the normalized change in the transient period of oscillation and is always bimodal. The amplitude, , of the delay lobe is very large compared to the amplitude, , of the advance lobe when the ML oscillator is very close to its SNIC bifurcation point (see inset in panel (b)).