Research Article

LoCoBoard: Low-Cost Interactive Whiteboard Using Computer Vision Algorithms

Algorithm 2

Pseudo code Algorithm A2.
function ALGORITHM image_height, image_width, image, threshold, step) coordinates of the  PL centroid
inputs:      image_height, height of the image
     image_width, width of the image
     image, captured grayscale image
     threshold, lower limit of brightness to identify pixels belonging to PL blob
     step, interval between consecutive processed pixels per row during search
size 0
colValue 0
rowValue 0
index 0
while index < image_height image_width do
  row index/image_width
  column index % image_width
   image[row][column] threshold then
   colValue colValue column
   rowValue rowValue row
   size size 1
  index index + step
colValue colValue/size
rowValue rowValue/size
return rowValue, colValue)