Research Article

Ecological Implications of Acorn Size at the Individual Tree Level in Quercus suber L.

Table 2

Mean values of volume (cc), infestation, and germination percentage (sound versus infested) of both small and big acorn classes at individual tree level. In parentheses is shown the value of chi-square test and significance when comparing small versus big acorns.

TreeClassVolumeaInfestation ( )Germination
Sound ( )Infested ( )

1Small2.06 ± 0.43***16 (0.76ns)100 (0.00ns)63.3313.47**
Big3.49 ± 0.598100
2Small1.78 ± 0.54***96 (6.64**)43.33 (8.53**)0 (30.00***)16.60***
Big4.36 ± 0.92688066.671.36ns
3Small1.65 ± 0.37***68 (13.88***)96.67 (0.00ns)10 (45.27***)45.27***
Big4.66 ± 0.951696.6796.670.00ns
4Small1.99 ± 0.61***100 (25.76***)56.67 (10.76**)13.33 (32.27***)12.38***
Big5.55 ± 1.243293.3386.960.74ns
5Small2.32 ± 0.68***80 (8.33**)66.67 (12.00**)16.67 (39.10***)15.43***
Big6.71 ± 1.554010096.671.02ns
6Small2.16 ± 0.49***44 (8.42**)90 (0.22ns)36.67 (13.61***)18.37***
Big4.48 ± 0.95893.3383.331.46ns
7Small1.87 ± 0.52***44 (2.88ns)80 (2.31ns)16.67 (42.86***)24.09***
Big5.89 ± 1.572093.331002.07ns
8Small3.75 ± 0.73***44 (14.10***)93.33 (4.09*)33.3323.25***
Big8.56 ± 0.860100
9Small2.86 ± 0.75***88 (39.29***)83.33 (12.86***)4010.00**
Big6.59 ± 0.600100
10Small3.91 ± 0.67***72 (24.53***)93.33 (1.55ns)13.3338.57***
Big8.56 ± 0.91498.33
11Small2.74 ± 0.71***84 (5.88*)71.43 (5.46**)16.67 (10.34***)17.38***
Big5.64 ± 0.955293.3356.6710.76**
12Small2.61 ± 0.65***72 (6.52*)73.33 (6.41**)20 (7.18**)17.14***
Big5.35 ± 0.983696.6753.3315.02***
13Small2.55 ± 0.72***52 (4.16*)93.33 (0.35ns)0 (10.59***)52.50***
Big5.53 ± 1.682496.6729.6328.71***
14Small1.87 ± 0.88***76 (3.13ns)36.67 (27.81***)0 (7.935**)13.47***
Big4.90 ± 1.035210023.3337.30***
15Small2.16 ± 0.57***32 (0.94ns)80 (2.59ns)3.3336.27***
Big5.04 ± 0.952063.33
16Small2.01 ± 0.47***76 (2.73***)63.33 (5.43*)3.3324.30***
Big4.18 ± 1.35885
17Small1.78 ± 0.77***72 (24.53***)66.67 (9.02**)13.3317.78***
Big5.27 ± 1.09496.670.00ns

Significant differences between big and small acorns within the tree after nested ANOVA with class acorn nested in individual.
bChi-square value and significance to compare germination between sound and infested acorns for each class per tree.
—indicate those trees that didn't present acorns apparently infested to be tested to germination.
ns: not significant; ; ; .