Research Article

Detection of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis from Intestinal and Nodal Tissue of Dogs and Cats

Table 2

Species, signalment (age, sex/neuter status, breed), histopathologic disease, home environment, and tissue from which MAP-specific DNA was isolated.

SpeciesSignalmentHistopathologyHome environmentTissue from which MAP DNA was identified

Feline19 yr FS DSHInterstitial nephritis; pancreatitisUrbanColic node
Feline16 yr FS DLHMembranous glomerulonephropathy; biliary cystadenomaRuralMesenteric node
Feline20 yr MN DSHIntestinal carcinoma RuralColic node
Canine5 yr FS Mastiff Malignant histiocytosis of the spleenUrbanDistal ileum
Canine5 yr FS PugRenal hypoplasia; glomerulonephritisUrbanMesenteric Node
Canine7 yr MN LabradorPneumoniaRuralDistal ileum

yr: year; FS: female spayed; DSH: domestic short haired cat; DLH: domestic long haired cat; MN: male castrated; GI: gastrointestinal; MAP: Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis.