Research Article

First Report of Trypanosoma sp. in Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus): Morphological and Phylogenetic Relationships

Figure 2

(a) Phylogenetic trees inferred by maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods based on gGAPDH gene sequences of 43 trypanosomes and Crithidia fasciculata as outgroup (515 characters, 34 parsimony informative). (b) Dendogram inferred by parsimony analyses based on V7-V8 SSU rDNA sequences from 12 crocodilian trypanosomes isolates (734 characters, 24 parsimony informative). Numbers at nodes show bootstrap (first) and posterior probabilities (second) values for MP and BI, respectively. The support values for the major branches are derived from 500 replicates, respectively, for MP.