Review Article

Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard Model

Figure 14

(a) Experimental sequence of lattice depth used in [6]. After a time , the interference pattern was measured by releasing the atoms from the trapping potential. (b) The width of the central interference peak in time of flight images for different ramp down times . The open circles correspond to a phase incoherent state and the closed circles correspond to a state reached following the protocol shown in (a). The solid line is a fit with a double exponential decay with time constants  ms and  ms. Also shown are absorption images of the interference patterns after ramp-down times of (c) ms, (d) 4 ms, and (e) 14 ms. Adapted with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature, M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. Esslinger, T. W. Hansch, and I. Bloch, Nature 415, 39 (2002), copyright 2002.