Review Article

The Use of Transcriptomics to Unveil the Role of Nutrients in Mammalian Liver

Table 2

Influence of major nutrients according to microarray analyses.


CarbohydratesGlucoseMouse ↑ Oxidative stress[49]
SucroseMousePparg2 [50]
Sweet cornMouse↑ Cell proliferation[51]
Maple syrupRat Ammonium[52]
FructooligosaccharideRat↑ FXR[54]

Amount of fat Bolus of fatRatA2m, Slc13a5 and Nrep [56]
High fat dietMouseCyp3a, Scd1 [57, 58]
High fat dietRat beta-oxidation[60]

Nature of fatMUFA, PUFARat Lipogenesis[61]
n-3 PUFAMouse, ratModified cellular regulators[6264]
CLAHamster, mouse, ratVariable on the genetic background[6567]

CholesterolHigh levelMouse CREP[68]
Modest levelMouse↑Inflammatory response [6972]

Protein Soy versus caseinRat Lipogenesis[73, 74]
Branched AARat Ammonium, FA uptake[75]
Low methionine + cholineMouse Oxidative stress[76]
Low methionine + choline + folateRatAlteration of DNA methylation[77]

AA: amino acids, CLA: conjugated linoleic acid; CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein; FA: fatty acid; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acid.