Clinical Study

Circulating CCL5 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer: Is There a Correlation with Lymph Node Metastasis?

Table 3

(a) Association between serum CCL5 levels (ng/mL) and tumour characteristics. (b) Pairwise comparison between serum CCL5 levels (ng/mL) and pT.

Mean ± SDMedian Range value

CCL5 serum
 pN14966,83 ± 20,8964,3719,72–145,36
  07864,40 ± 22,0260,9131,89–145,360.098
  13968,90 ± 17,9772,3130,69–104,37
  2/31667,49 ± 17,0966,3132,45–102,75

CCL5 serum
 pT14966,83 ± 20,8964,3719,72–145,36
  15160,23 ± 19,2459,7730,69–121,860.009
  27067,02 ± 16,7366,3438,94–120,93
  3/41082,40 ± 28,9376,1745,27–145,36

CCL5 serum
 LVI14966,83 ± 20,8964,3719,72–145,36
  No10166,98 ± 20,2064,273189–145,360.408
  Yes3863,02 ± 19,5463,4119,72–104,19

CCL5 serum
 Multifocal14966,83 ± 20,8964,3719,72–145,36
  No12067,46 ± 21,7564,3219,72–145,360.319
  Yes2661,68 ± 15,1963,8733,97–87,83

values are based on a Kruskal Wallis test (no. of levels > 2).
values of pairwise comparisons are shown in next table.
Min: the lowest value, max: the highest value, Q1: percentile 25, Q3: percentile 75, SD: standard deviation.

VariablepT (3cat.) values

CCL5 serum0.009

value in bold refers to the result of the Kruskal Wallis test.
Mann-Whitney tests are used for pairwise comparisons. Raw values as well as values corrected for multiple testing are given.