Clinical Study

Circulating CCL5 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer: Is There a Correlation with Lymph Node Metastasis?

Table 4

(a) Interaction effect between pN and pT. (b) Effect of pN after correction for pT.

VariableModel devianceChi²DoF value

CCL5 plasma4930.084926.333.7540.4408
CCL5 serum2945.162940.844.3340.3635

Result of likelihood ratio test comparing the deviance (minus 2 loglikelihood) of two nested models. Chi²: chi-square statistic, DoF: degrees of freedom.

VariableModel devianceChi²DoF value

CCL5 plasma4930.794930.080.7120.7003
CCL5 serum2947.642945.162.4820.2899

Result of likelihood-ratio test comparing the deviance (minus 2 loglikelihood) of two nested models. Chi²: chi-square statistic, DoF: degrees of freedom.