Research Article

The Effectiveness of Educational Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Tanzania and Uganda

Table 2

Mean student absenteeism rate, stratified by country.

Mean student absenteeism rate (2006–2009)OVC ever supportedOVC never supportedNon-OVC

Tanzania ( )6.5%*5.7%*6.1%
Uganda ( )3.6%*6.8%*5.1%*
Total ( )5.1%*6.4%*+5.5%+

Africare UG-block grant ( )3.2%*5.6%6.1%*
ICOBI UG-block grant ( )3.7%*8.4%*+ 4.5%+
AVSI UG-scholarship ( )3.6%*6.1%*5.0%*
Africare TZ-block grant ( )6.2%5.8%6.3%
CRS TZ-scholarship ( )7.0%5.4%5.7%

Paired -test compared the means of three sets of two groups: OVC ever supported versus OVC never supported; OVC never supported versus Non-OVC; OVC ever supported versus Non-OVC. Paired significance is noted accordingly.
*Student status significantly different at .
+Student status significantly different at 5.