Research Article

Small-World Properties in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer’s Disease: A Cortical Thickness MRI Study

Table 3

Statically significant differences ( ) of cortical thickness (mm unit) comparing early AD, MCI, and control (CT) over 148 cortical regions with UTMCK data. And these significant differences still remain after Bonferroni multiple-group comparison adjustment with corrected .

ROIADMCI Control (AD versus CT) (MCI versus CT)

L parsorbitalis 2.312.362.560.0070.003
L P cingulate2.292.282.440.0100.010
L MOTLS1.751.812.050.0060.007
R LOTFG2.322.352.560.0100.006

L: left sided, R: right sided, P: posterior, MOTLS: medial occipito-temporal and lingual sulci, LOTFG: lateral occipito-temporal fusiform gyrus.