Research Article

Adherence to Recommended Breast Cancer Screening in Iranian Turkmen Women: The Role of Knowledge and Beliefs

Table 3

Educational levels and breast cancer screening behaviors in a sample of Iranian Turkmen women.

Educational levelPerformed BSEa (within last month)Performed CBEb (within last year)Performed mammogramb (within last year)
Yes % ( ) No % ( )StatisticsYes % ( )No % ( )StatisticsYes % ( )No % ( )Statistics

Illiterate44 (11) 355 (89)
12 (3)387 (97)
5 (1.3)394 (98.7)
Less than 5 years47 (13.2) 308 (86.8)11 (3.1)344 (94.9)2 (0.6)353 (99.3)
6–8 years16 (12.1) 116 (87.9)2 (1.5)130 (98.5)0 (0)132 (100)
9–11 years4 (9.8) 37 (90.2)1 (2.4)40 (97.6)0 (0)41 (100)
High school graduate21 (20.2) 83 (79.8)8 (7.7)96 (92.3)2 (1.9)102 (92.2)
College level10 (20.4) 39 (89.6)7 (14.3)42 (85.7)0 (0)49 (100)

Total142 (13.2) 126 (86.8)41 (3.8)1039 (96.2)9 (0.8)1071 (99.2)

aWomen of 30 years of age and older.
bWomen of 40 years of age and older.