Research Article

Subcutaneous Administration of D-Luciferin is an Effective Alternative to Intraperitoneal Injection in Bioluminescence Imaging of Xenograft Tumors in Nude Mice

Figure 3

BLI after SC versus IP injection at different anatomic sites. Nude mice bearing (a) U87-Luc bilateral subcutaneous thigh xenografts (5 mice), (b) GBM12-Luc intracranial brain xenografts (3 mice), (c) OSC19-Luc tongue xenografts (5 mice), or (d) A549-Luc pulmonary xenografts (2 mice) were imaged at 7 min after SC injection and 7 min after IP injection after an intervening washout period. Shown are representative images after SC (right mouse) or IP (left mouse) injection of D-luciferin. For each anatomic site, the graph shows the average BLS intensity (photon/sec/m2/1 min) for IP and SC after 3 distinct imaging sessions. No statistically significant differences were noted.