Research Article

Characterization of the Visceral Antinociceptive Effect of Glial Glutamate Transporter GLT-1 Upregulation by Ceftriaxone

Figure 6

Neonatal stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity in adult mice. Postnatal day 9 and 11 treatment with intracolonic 2% mustard oil (1 wk VEH + i.c. MO) dramatically increased the visceromotor response to colorectal distension at 30–60 mm Hg in adult mice, compared to control (1 wk VEH + i.c. VEH) cohorts. In marked contrast, ceftriaxone administered 1-week before colon distension (1 wk CTX + (i.c.) MO) completely attenuated the enhanced visceromotor response to colorectal distension produced by neonatal colon irritation (* ).