Research Article

Efficiency of Demand Shocks in Order to Reduce Current Account Imbalances in the EMU

Table 1

Share of private consumption, openness to trade, indebtedness level, and net foreign assets position of some EMU countries.

Private consumption/GDP (1)Openness to trade (2)Public debt/GDPNet foreign assets/GDP (3)

EMU 1778.5%44.3% 92.7% 2.0%
Austria81.0%55.6% 73.4% 2.9%
Belgium75.1%84.2% 99.6% 0.8%
Finland74.9% 41.0% 53.0%−1.5%
France75.3%28.6% 90.2%−1.7%
Germany80.5%48.8% 81.9% 6.3%
Ireland82.5%96.0%117.6% 3.7%
The Netherlands71.5%83.8% 71.2% 8.0%
Portugal81.7%39.1%123.6% 0.4%
Spain79.9%31.7% 84.2%−0.2%

Source: Eurostat.
(1) 1 − (Final consumption expenditure of general government/GDP), in 2012.
(2) (Exportations + Importations of goods and services)/(2 * GDP), in 2012.
(3) Net borrowing (−) or net lending (+), total economy, in % of GDP, in 2012.