Clinical Study

TEFTOM: A Promising General Trauma Expectation/Outcome Measure—Results of a Validation Study on Pan-American Ankle and Distal Tibia Trauma Patients

Table 2

Mean patient-reported scores for the TEFTOM, AAOS, FAOS, and SF-36 questionnaires.

Outcomes PreoperativePostoperative*2 weeks6 weeks3 months6 months12 months
Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)

TEF20133.9 (33.2; 34.6)34.4 (33.6; 35.1)34.1 (33.4; 34.9)33.9 (33.1; 34.7)34.9 (34.1; 35.6)35.3 (34.5; 36.1)
TOM17526.3 (25.4; 27.3)30.4 (29.4; 31.4)32.6 (31.6; 33. 6)
AAOS17472.3 (69.9; 74.7)82.9 (80.4; 85.3)89.0 (86.6; 91.3)
 Symptoms17563.7 (60.7; 66.7)71.4 (68.3; 74.5)79.0 (76.0; 82.0)
 Pain17572.9 (70.3; 75.5)81.1 (78.4; 83.8)86.1 (83.5; 88.7)
 ADL17580.2 (77.9; 82.5)89.8 (87.4; 92.2)92.7 (90.4; 95.0)
 Sport17343.5 (39.4; 47.6)64.2 (60.0; 68.5)76.7 (72.6; 80.7)
 QOL17544.4 (40.9; 47.8)55.3 (51.8; 58.9)65.2 (61.9; 68.6)
SF-36 PCS17540.9 (39.4; 42.4)47.1 (45.6; 48.6)50.9 (49.4; 52.3)

AAOS: American Association for Orthopaedic Surgeons Foot and Ankle Score; ADL: activities of daily living; CI: confidence interval; FAOS: Foot and Ankle Outcome Score; PCS: Physical Component Summary; QOL: quality of life; SF-36: Short Form-36 Health Survey; TEF: trauma expectation factor; TOM: trauma outcome measure.
postoperative examination.