Clinical Study

The Diagnostic Yield of Navigational Bronchoscopy Performed with Propofol Deep Sedation

Table 1

Baseline characteristics in 41 patients undergoing electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy*.

Characteristic Number (%) Mean (±SEM)

 Male 40 (98)
 Female 1 (2)
Age (yr) 65 ± 1.55
Lesion size (cm) 3.01 ± 0.21
CT-to-body divergence (mm) 3.6 ± 0.15
Lobar location
 Right upper 17 (36)
 Right middle 2 (4)
 Right lower 5 (10)
 Left upper 8 (17)
 Lingula 1 (2)
 Left lower 14 (30)
Positron emission tomography
 Positive 37 (79)
 Negative 3 (6)
 Intermediate 7 (15)

 *Six patients had two lesions, for a total sample size of 47.