Clinical Study

The Diagnostic Yield of Navigational Bronchoscopy Performed with Propofol Deep Sedation

Table 2

Diagnostic yield by size, location, and CT-to-body divergence in 47 samples.

NumberPercentage yield

Size (cm)
 <2 11 91
 2–4 27 85
 >4 9 100
Lobar location
 Right upper*14 82
 Right middle 2 100
 Right lower 5 100
 Left upper*8 100
 Lingula 1 100
 Left lower 12 86
CT-to-body divergence (mm)
 ≤4 32 91
 >4 15 87
 Squamous cell carcinoma 10 21
 Adenocarcinoma 14 30
 Small cell carcinoma 2 4
 Adenocarcinoma in situ 2 4
 Inflammatory lesion 13 28
 Coccidioidomycosis 1 2

 *Mean percentage yield in upper lobe lesions was 88%.