Clinical Study

Automatic Tube Compensation versus Pressure Support Ventilation and Extubation Outcome in Children: A Randomized Controlled Study

Table 2

Hemodynamic and respiratory parameters of patients in each group during 2 hr spontaneous breathing trial.

PS (19)ATC (17) value

Respiratory rate/min: median (range)34 (22–62)32 (20–60)0.6
Tachypnea: number (%) 5 (26.3%)4 (23.5%)0.577
Spontaneous tidal volume (mL/kg/sec): median (range)6.3 (2.3–12)6.36 (1.2–9)0.962
Heart rate: mean ± SD 0.601
Tachycardia: number (%) 8 (42.1%)6 (35.3%)0.470
Hypertension: number (%) 7 (36.8%)4 (23.5%)0.387
Hypotension: number (%) 1 (5.3%)1 (5.9%)0.729
Increase need for suction: number (%)2 (10.5%)2 (11.8%)0.655
Increase work of breathing: number (%) 7 (36.8%)6 (35.3%)0.923
Pulse oxygen saturation (%): mean ± SD 0.373