Research Article

Inverted Pendulum Standing Apparatus for Investigating Closed-Loop Control of Ankle Joint Muscle Contractions during Functional Electrical Stimulation

Table 2

The average standard deviation values of the pendulum angle and torque fluctuations for the PDstimLD and NOstim conditions for each subject. Each value represents the mean ± one standard deviation for three trials in each condition.

SubjectAngle standard deviation deg Torque standard deviation Nm
PDstimLD NOstim PDstimLD NOstim

A0.504 ± 0.2220.382 ± 0.1211.38 ± 0.550.96 ± 0.23
B0.565 ± 0.1940.621 ± 0.5101.41 ± 0.481.64 ± 1.21
C1.486 ± 0.4110.418 ± 0.1263.55 ± 1.091.05 ± 0.29