Research Article

Self-Care Practices among Diabetic Patients in Anand District of Gujarat

Table 3

Diabetic profile of the study participants.

Item Value

Mean duration of diabetes in years (95% C.I.)8.75 (7.18–10.31)
History of diabetes in first degree relatives
Other coexisting illnesses
 Hypertension (%)45 (40.5)
 Ischemic heart disease (%)10 (9)
 Osteoarthritis (%)2 (1.8)
 Others (%) (polio, thyroid)2 (1.8)
 None (%)52 (46.9)
Qualification of the doctor being consulted
 MBBS—general practitioner 27
 MD—physician 67
 Ayurvedic—practitioner 1
Type of treatment facility being consulted
 Private practitioner/clinic71
 Multispecialty hospital 0
 Medical college hospital9
 Government hospital-PHC/CHC/district hospital 2
 UHTC 10
 Other 5
Type of treatment being undertaken
 Oral drugs prescribed by a physician (%)94 (87)
 Insulin (%)6 (5.6)
 Ayurvedic medicines (%)8 (7.4)
 Homeopathic medicines (%)0
 Others (%)0
History of complications*
 Present (doctor said that eyes have been affected)6
 Not tested 61
 Cardiovascular 30
Glycemic control$
Controlled (%)40
Not controlled (%)52
Not available8

PHC: Primary Health Center; CHC: Community Health Center; UHTC: Urban Health Training Center; RHTC: Rural Health Training Center.
*As per the history given by the patient—patient self-report. $Glycemic control: when the information obtained for glucose control satisfied all of the three criteria, that is, FBS < 126 mg/dL, PP2BS < 180 mg/dL, RBS < 200 mg/dL, and Hba1c < 7 gm%, it would be considered as “controlled.” If any one of the criteria is not met, it would be considered as “not controlled.”