Clinical Study

A Low-Cost Biofeedback System for Electromyogram-Triggered Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy: An Indo-German Feasibility Study

Figure 1

(a) Experimental setup for Electromyogram- (EMG)-triggered functional electrical stimulation (FES) training (PC: personal computer). The paretic leg (shown in red) is the initiator leg for stand-to-walk transition. (b) EMG biofeedback presented during deficient gait phase identified with “Skeleton Tracking” data from [21]. (c) Illustrative example of able-bodied EMG from medial gastrocnemius (GM) and tibialis anterior (TA) normalized by their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) during stepping action following heel switch (HS) release (trigger at 90% MVC) for EMG-triggered FES training. (d) Illustrative example of poststroke EMG from GM and TA normalized by their MVC during stepping action (trigger at 90% MVC) for EMG-triggered FES training.