Review Article

Oral and Dental Considerations in Pediatric Leukemic Patient

Table 3

Oral assessment guide [12].

CategoryNumerical and descriptive ratings

VoiceNormal Deeper or raspyDifficulty in talking, painful
SwallowNormal swallowSome pain on swallow Unable to swallow
LipsSmooth, pink, and moist Dry or cracked Ulcerated or bleeding
TonguePink and moist and papillae are present Coated or loss of papillae with shiny appearance, with or without redness Blistered/cracked
Saliva Watery Thick or copyAbsent
Mucous membranePain and moist Reddened or coated (increased whiteness) without ulcerations Ulceration with or without bleeding
Gingiva Pink, stippled, and firmEdematous with or without rednessSpontaneous bleeding or bleeding on pressure
Teeth or denturesClean and no debris Plaque or debris in localized areas (between two teeth, if present)Plaque or debris generalized along gum line or denture bearing areas