Research Article

Interactions of Nitrogen Source and Rate and Weed Removal Timing Relative to Nitrogen Content in Corn and Weeds and Corn Grain Yield

Table 4

Nitrogen content in corn plants when weeds were removed at a height of 8 cm compared with weed-free corn as a result of the interaction of environment, N source, and N rate.

Nitrogen content in corn plants
Average weed height at timing of removal (cm)
ClaytonRocky MountClaytonRocky Mount
kg ha−1kg ha−1

Urea ammonium nitrate682.
Urea ammonium nitrate1356.
Urea ammonium nitrate2023.
Sulfur-coated urea683.
Sulfur-coated urea1354.
Sulfur-coated urea2027.82.5512.
Composted poultry litter683.
Composted poultry litter1353.
Composted poultry litter2023.

Means within a year and location followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test at .