Clinical Study

Comparison between Airway Responses to High versus Low Molecular Weight Compounds in Occupational Asthma

Table 1

Characteristics of the compounds used for performing specific inhalation tests (SIC), concentrations used during SIC and duration of the exposure.

AgentControlNumber of subjectsChallenge concentrationTime exposure

TDI vapoursDiluent370.002–0.003 ppm30–120′
Flour dustLactose dust200.3–0.5 mg/m330′
Wood dustsLactose dust30.3–0.5 mg/m330′
Persulfate saltsLactose dust60.05–0.1 mg/m330′
AziridineLactose dust20.03–0.05 mg/m330′
Latex solutionNormal saline3<0.0001 mg/m330′
Tobacco dustsLactose dust10.3–0.5 mg/m330′
Phenolic resins and Detergents vapoursDiluent2Not measured*30′

*Subjects simulated the job activity in laboratory.