Research Article

Combined Beta-Agonists and Corticosteroids Do Not Inhibit Extracellular Matrix Protein Production In Vitro

Table 2

Effect of combined corticosteroids and LABAs on basal and TGF -stimulated ECM protein deposition.

F 10−10 MF 10−8 MF 10−10 MF 10−8 M

B 10−10 M B 10−10 M
B 10−8 M * B 10−8 M *

TGF stimulatedTGF stimulated
F 10−10 MF 10−8 MF 10−10 MF 10−8 M

TGF stimulated * *
B 10−10 M B 10−10 M
B 10−8 M B 10−8 M *

F: formoterol, B: budesonide.
Data are expressed as % 0.1% ITS for drugs alone and % TGFβ for TGFβ-stimulated samples.
*significantly diff to 0.1% ITS or TGFβ   . asthmatic and 6 nonasthmatic.