Research Article

Evaluation of a Novel Rapid Test System for the Detection of Specific IgE to Hymenoptera Venoms

Figure 2

Receiver operating characteristic of ALFA and ALLERGO-LIQ for the diagnosis of bee (a) and wasp (b) venom allergy in monosensitized patients (group A) and control groups (C and D). Curve with dots indicates results for ALFA and curve with squares for ALLERGO-LIQ. Diagnosis of insect venom allergy was based on patient’s history, skin testing, and detection of sIgE to bee or wasp venom by ImmunoCAP. Sensitivity/specificity for ALFA is 100%/83% (BV) and 82%/97% (WV) at a cut-off value of 10.0 RU and 100%/93% (BV) and 82%/93% (WV) for ALLERG-O-LIQ.