Research Article

Metabolic Fate of the Increased Yeast Amino Acid Uptake Subsequent to Catabolite Derepression

Figure 1

(a) L-[14C]leucine (750 μM) oxidation in WT and amino acid permease deleted yeast strains. Yeast was grown in either 2% glucose (filled bars) or 2% galactose (hollow bars). L-[14C]leucine uptake and oxidation were performed as described in Materials and Methods. Deletion of various amino acid permeases (M4055 : MATa ura3 gap1 D D(bap2-tat1), M4581: MATa ura3 gap1D agp1D gnp1D D(bap2-tat1), M4582: MATa ura3 gap1D D(bap2-tat1) bap3D tat2D) from the WT (M3750) reduced the rate of L-[14C]leucine oxidation observed when yeast are grown in galactose. Results are mean ± SEM from 3 different preparations each measured in quadruplicate. (b) Correlation between carbon catabolite derepressed L-leucine uptake (shaded bars) and oxidation (hatched bars). For correlation analysis data (nmol/million cells/h), oxidation ( ) and uptake ( ) in the WT M3750 strain were normalized to 1. In deleted strains bars represent the proportion of either uptake or oxidation observed in the WT strain.