Research Article

Binding Stoichiometry of a Recombinant Selenophosphate Synthetase with One Synonymic Substitution E197D to a Fluorescent Nucleotide Analog of ATP, TNP-ATP

Figure 1

(a) PCR-product of selD amplification (size—1081 b.p.; μL). MM—DNA marker GeneRuler Ladder Mix (Fermentas, Cat #SM0333). (b) The restriction profile of a plasmid with correct orientation of selD gene: lane 1, full plasmid; lane 2, linear plasmid after digestion with SalI; lane 3, plasmid after digestion with (a), fragments size: 51 + 1163 + 1252 + 4215 b.p.; lane 4, plasmid after digestion with BspHI, fragments size:  b.p. (fragments of small size 51 b.p. and 105 b.p. are not seen in the gel).