Research Article

Understanding Nonprescription and Prescription Drug Misuse in Late Adolescence/Young Adulthood

Table 1

Descriptive statistics for the sample.

Age of first use in years
Perceived risk
Perceived societal stigma, parent
Perceived societal stigma, peer

Prescription drugs
 Prescription pain50 (10.7)17.32 (1.48)5.30 (1.71)4.38 (.90)3.93 (1.09)
 Prescription sedatives
 and tranquilizers
22 (4.7)17.23 (1.66)5.84 (1.43)4.71 (.60)4.23 (.90)
 Prescription stimulants41 (8.8)18.05 (2.30)5.06 (1.83)4.51 (.85)3.98 (1.09)
Nonprescription drugs
 Nonprescription pain61 (13.1)15.18 (2.84)3.60 (2.00)2.43 (1.21)3.19 (1.33)
 sleeping pills
22 (4.7)17.09 (1.60)4.82 (1.74)3.95 (1.12)3.77 (1.11)
No distinction
 Cough/cold syrup42 (9)15.33 (3.18)3.99 (2.00)2.70 (1.31)3.42 (1.31)
Illicit drugs
 Marijuana134 (29.9)17.78 (1.67)5.07 (1.90)4.87 (.48)3.49 (1.37)
 Crack or cocaine10 (2.1)17.80 (1.55)6.76 (.71)4.97 (.30)4.73 (.58)