Research Article

Predictors of Intention to Quit Waterpipe Smoking: A Survey of Arab Americans in Houston, Texas

Table 2

Frequency intention to quit waterpipe smoking with perception of risk.

Characteristics Has intention to quit in the next 12 months
frequency (%)
frequency (%)

Do you believe smoking a waterpipe is harmful to your health?0.3576
 Yes 202 (72.40)77 (27.60)
 No34 (79.07)9 (20.93)
Compared to a regular cigarette, how harmful do you think waterpipe smoking is?0.0022*
 More harmful than cigarettes87 (65.55)41 (34.45)
 As harmful as cigarettes 74 (67.89)35 (32.11)
 Less harmful than cigarettes90 (84.91)16 (15.09)

Significant at .