Research Article

Successive Matrix Squaring Algorithm for Computing the Generalized Inverse

Algorithm 2

SMS algorithm for computing the generalized inverse .
Input: Input the matrices and the accurate value ;
Output: The algorithm export the matrix: ;
Begin: Assignment the matrix by the initial value matrix , that is ;
Assigned the matrix by , that is ;
Computed the product of and , and assigned its value to . that is ;
Similarly, we repeatedly do the computation for the product and as well as above
the computation, where .
Computed the product of the matrix and , and assigned its value to as well
as above computations, that is ;
Assigned the matrix by the sum of the matrices , where and
. that is ;
Take the norm of and assigned its value to . that is ;
while do;
We need the iteration not to exceed 500 times. that is ; (In fact )
Do 500 step repeatedly computations in the following.
that is For 1 : 
Computed the product of the given matrix and the iteration matrix , and
assigned its value to the new matrix . that is ;
From the iteration , we obtain the new matrix and add its value to ,
and assigned the sum of and to the matrix ..that is ; After these,
return the the step .
Finished the For loop function that is end
Computed the error between and , that is ;
Finished the While loop function. that is end
The matrix multiplied by and assigned to , that is ;
End the algorithm.