
Energy balance method (EBM) is extended for high-order nonlinear oscillators. To illustrate the effectiveness of the method, a cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator was chosen. The maximum relative errors of the frequencies of the oscillator read 1.25% and 0.6% for the first- and second-order approximation, respectively. The third-order approximation has an accuracy as high as 0.008%. Excellent agreement of the approximated frequencies and periodic solutions with the exact ones is demonstrated for several values of parameters of the oscillator.

1. Introduction

A great deal of work has been devoted to the nonlinear problems encountered in the fields of applied mathematics, physics, and engineering sciences. In general, the analytical approximation to the solution of a given nonlinear problem is difficult, sometimes impossible; plenty of techniques based on numerical methods have been implemented. Among them are the variational iteration method [1, 2], the harmonic balance method [3, 4], and energy balance method [5โ€“8] developed to solve nonlinear differential equations. In this study, we have investigated the application of high-order energy balance method to cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator. The nonlinear frequencies are calculated for the first-, second-, and third-order EBM and compared with the results of different techniques.

2. The Basic Idea of Energy Balance Method

This section briefly introduces energy balance method proposed by He [5]. In this method, a variational principle for the oscillation is established, then the corresponding Hamiltonian is considered from which the angular frequency can be easily obtained by Galerkin method.

Let us consider the motion of a general oscillator with the initial conditions in the form ๐‘ข๎…ž๎…ž+๐‘“(๐‘ข)=0,๐‘ข(0)=๐ด,๐‘ขโ€ฒ(0)=0,(2.1) where ๐ด is the initial amplitude.

Its variational can be written as ๎€œ๐ฝ(๐‘ข)=0๐‘‡/4๎‚ƒโˆ’12๐‘ข๎…ž2๎‚„+๐น(๐‘ข)๐‘‘๐‘ก.(2.2) Here ๐‘‡=2๐œ‹/๐œ” is the period of the nonlinear oscillation and โˆซ๐น(๐‘ข)=๐‘“(๐‘ข)๐‘‘๐‘ข.

The Hamiltonian of (2.1) can be written in the form: 1๐ป(๐‘ข)=2๐‘ข๎…ž2+๐น(๐‘ข).(2.3) In (2.2) the kinetic energy (๐ธ) and potential energy (๐‘ƒ) can be, respectively, expressed as ๐ธ=(1/2)๐‘ข๎…ž2, ๐‘ƒ=๐น(๐‘ข).

Throughout the oscillation since the system is conservative, the total energy remains unchanged during the motion; the Hamiltonian of the oscillator becomes a constant value, ๐ป=๐ธ+๐‘‡=๐น(๐ด).(2.4) For the first-order approximation, the following trial function can be assumed: ๐‘ข(๐‘ก)=๐ดcos๐œ”๐‘ก.(2.5) Substituting (2.5) into (2.3) yields the following residual: ๐‘…๐ด(๐‘ก)=22๐œ”2sin2๐œ”๐‘ก+๐น(๐ดcos๐œ”๐‘ก)โˆ’๐น(๐ด).(2.6) The residual is forced to zero, in an average sense, by setting weighted integrals of the residual to zero ๎€œ0๐‘‡/4๐‘…(๐‘ก)๐‘ค๐‘›๐‘‘๐‘ก=0,๐‘›=1,2,โ€ฆ,(2.7) where ๐‘ค๐‘› is a set of weighting function (or test).

There are lots of weighting functions, that is, Galerkin, least squares, collocation and so forth. In this study, we used Galerkin method as a weighting function.

3. High-Order Energy Balance Method

In order to extend Heโ€™s energy balance method, let us assume that the solution of (2.1) can be expressed as ๐‘ข=๐ด1cos๐œ”๐‘ก+๐ด2cos3๐œ”๐‘ก+โ‹ฏ+๐ด๐‘›cos(2๐‘›โˆ’1)๐œ”๐‘ก.(3.1) From the initial conditions, the coefficients should satisfy the following constrain:๐ด=๐ด1+๐ด2+โ‹ฏ+๐ด๐‘›.(3.2a) One of these parameters can be chosen as a dependent parameter. Hence, ๐ด๐‘›=๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2โˆ’โ‹ฏโˆ’๐ด๐‘›โˆ’1.(3.2b)By inserting (3.1) into (2.7), the following systems can be obtained: ๎€œ0๐‘‡/4๎€œ๐‘…(๐‘ก)cos๐œ”๐‘ก๐‘‘๐‘ก=0,0๐‘‡/4๐‘…โ‹ฎ๎€œ(๐‘ก)cos3๐œ”๐‘ก๐‘‘๐‘ก=0,0๐‘‡/4๐‘…(๐‘ก)cos(2๐‘›โˆ’1)๐œ”๐‘ก๐‘‘๐‘ก=0.(3.3)

4. Example

A cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator is considered. In the following sections, the nonlinear frequencies will be compared with the results of different techniques to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of energy balance method.

The governing differential equation of this oscillator is in the form of๐‘ข๎…ž๎…ž+๐›ผ๐‘ข+๐œ€๐‘ข3+๐œ†๐‘ข5=0,where๐›ผโ‰ฅ0(4.1a) with the initial conditions ๐‘ข(0)=๐ด,๐‘ขโ€ฒ(0)=0.(4.1b)The Hamiltonian of (4.1a) is given as follows: 1๐ป(๐‘ข)=2๐‘ข๎…ž2+12๐‘ข2+14๐œ€๐‘ข4+16๐œ†๐‘ข6=12๐›ผ๐ด2+14๐œ€๐ด4+16๐œ†๐ด6.(4.2) For the first-order approximation, assume that ๐‘ข(๐‘ก) is in the following form: ๐‘ข(๐‘ก)=๐ดcos๐œ”๐‘ก.(4.3) Substituting the first approximation into (4.2) yields ๐‘…11(๐‘ก)=2๐ด2๐œ”2sin21(๐œ”๐‘ก)+4๐œ€๐ด4cos41(๐œ”๐‘ก)+6๐œ†๐ด6cos61(๐œ”๐‘ก)+2๐›ผ๐ด2cos2โˆ’(๐œ”๐‘ก)๐œ€๐ด44โˆ’๐›ผ๐ด22โˆ’๐œ†๐ด64.(4.4) First-order approximation can be obtained by setting ๎€œ0๐‘‡/4๐‘…1(๐‘ก)cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)๐‘‘๐‘ก=0,๐‘‡=2๐œ‹๐œ”.(4.5) The amplitude-frequency relationship for the first approximation is obtained as ๎‚™๐œ”(๐ด)=70๐›ผ+49๐œ€๐ด2+38๐œ†๐ด4.70(4.6) To obtain a more accurate result, let us define ๐‘ข as follows: ๐‘ข(๐‘ก)=๐ด1๎€ทcos๐œ”๐‘ก+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1๎€ธcos3๐œ”๐‘ก(4.7) Substituting (4.7) into (4.2) results in the following residual: ๐‘…2๐œ”(๐‘ก)=22๎€บ๐ด1๎€ทsin(๐œ”๐‘ก)+3๐ดโˆ’๐ด1๎€ธ๎€ปsin(3๐œ”๐‘ก)2+๐›ผ2๎€บ๐ด1๎€ทcos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1๎€ธ๎€ปcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)2+๐œ€4๎€บ๐ด1๎€ทcos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1๎€ธ๎€ปcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)4+๐œ†6๎€บ๐ด1๎€ทcos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1๎€ธ๎€ปcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)6โˆ’๐›ผ๐ด22โˆ’๐œ€๐ด44โˆ’๐œ†๐ด66.(4.8) We set๎€œ0๐‘‡/4๐‘…2(๐‘ก)cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)๐‘‘๐‘ก=โˆ’6550410๐œ†๐ด6โˆ’14096128๐œ†๐ด5๐ด1+๐ด4๎€ทโˆ’8898327๐œ€+59159040๐œ†๐ด21๎€ธโˆ’128๐ด3๎€ท131461๐œ€๐ด1+979520๐œ†๐ด31๎€ธ+32๐ด21๎€ท831402๐›ผ+723520๐ด21๐œ€+946176๐œ†๐ด41+3187041๐œ”2๎€ธโˆ’48๐ด๐ด1๎€ท461890๐›ผ+1033600๐ด21๐œ€+2150400๐œ†๐ด41+4572711๐œ”2๎€ธ+2๐ด2๎€ทโˆ’7066917๐›ผ+22697856๐ด21๐œ€+77271040๐œ†๐ด41+63602253๐œ”2๎€ธ๎€œ=0,(4.9a)0๐‘‡/4๐‘…2(๐‘ก)cos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)๐‘‘๐‘ก=5265546๐œ†๐ด6+83291904๐œ†๐ด5๐ด1+๐ด4๎€ท6789783๐œ€โˆ’313950720๐œ†๐ด21๎€ธ+2176๐ด3๎€ท45429๐œ€๐ด1+301120๐œ†๐ด31๎€ธ+6๐ด2๎€ท1616615๐›ผโˆ’37333632๐œ€๐ด21โˆ’128921600๐œ†๐ด41โˆ’14549535๐œ”2๎€ธโˆ’96๐ด21๎€ท1016158๐›ผ+1012928๐œ€๐ด21+1396736๐œ†๐ด41+1801371๐œ”2๎€ธ+48๐ด๐ด1๎€ท2678962๐›ผ+5002624๐œ€๐ด21+10309632๐œ†๐ด41+4572711๐œ”2๎€ธ=0.(4.9b)

By solving (4.9a)-(4.9b) simultaneously, one can obtain the second-order approximate amplitude-frequency relation. For differentโ€‰โ€‰๐œ€๐ด2โ€‰โ€‰values, the approximate frequencies are given in Table 1.

Moreover, the accuracy of results will be further improved by defining ๐‘ข in the following form: ๐‘ข(๐‘ก)=๐ด1cos๐œ”๐‘ก+๐ด2๎€ทcos3๐œ”๐‘ก+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2๎€ธcos5๐œ”๐‘ก.(4.10) Substituting (4.10) into (4.2), we get the following residual for the third-order approximation: ๐‘…31(๐‘ก)=2๐œ”2๎€บ๐ด1sin(๐œ”t)+3๐ด2๎€ทsin(3๐œ”๐‘ก)+5๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2๎€ธ๎€ปsin(5๐œ”๐‘ก)2+12๐›ผ๎€บ๐ด1cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ด2๎€ทcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2๎€ธ๎€ปcos(5๐œ”๐‘ก)2+14๐œ€๎€บ๐ด1cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ด2๎€ทcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2๎€ธ๎€ปcos(5๐œ”๐‘ก)4+16๐œ†๎€บ๐ด1cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ด2๎€ทcos(3๐œ”๐‘ก)+๐ดโˆ’๐ด1โˆ’๐ด2๎€ธ๎€ปcos(5๐œ”๐‘ก)6โˆ’๐›ผ๐ด22โˆ’๐œ€๐ด44โˆ’๐œ†๐ด66.(4.11) Inserting (4.11) into (3.3) for ๐‘›=3 and using the same procedure explained above, we get three weighted integrals. Solving these three equations simultaneously, the amplitude-frequency relation for the third-order approximation is obtained. For higher-order approximations, the similar procedures can be applied, however, the accuracy of the third-order approximation is appropriate for several values of parameters ๐›ผ, ๐œ€, and ๐œ†.

In the following, the nonlinear frequencies for the cubic-quintic oscillator are calculated for two different cases: (i) ๐œ†=0 and (ii) ๐œ†โ‰ 0.

The first case considered here corresponds to the cubic Duffing oscillator. For ๐œ†=0, the results of the nonlinear frequencies are obtained by the first-, second-, and third-order energy balance method and compared with the results of [4, 9]. In the second case, for ๐œ†โ‰ 0, the nonlinear frequencies are given in Table 2. Additionally, the numerical solution for all cases is acquired by standard Runge-Kutta method (R-K).

In Table 1, the relative errors for the first-order approximation read 1.25%, while this error reduces to 0.59% in the second approximation. We observe that the differences between the third-order and the exact frequencies are sufficiently small.

As seen in Table 2, the results of third order approximation are in very good agreement between the numerical results. The comparison of approximate and numerical solutions can also be found in Figure 1. It can be seen that the first-, and the second-order results have slight differences compared to the numerical solution. However, the third-order approximation is overlapping with the numerical solution.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, energy balance method is extended for high-order solutions. The first-order approximate frequency for Duffing oscillator gives 1.25% relative error, while the second-, and the third-order approximated frequencies reach 0.59% and 0.008% relative errors, respectively. Moreover, relative errors in high-order energy balance reduce to smaller values than global error minimization and harmonic balance methods. Consequently, we can state that extended method is very effective and convenient for the cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator.