Research Article

Advanced Harmony Search with Ant Colony Optimization for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem

Pseudocode 1

The pseudo-code for the proposed algorithm (AHS-ACO).
Procedure: The proposed algorithm for the TSP
  Objective function ,  
  Generate initial harmonics (real number arrays)
  Define harmony memory considering rate , pitch adjusting rate , mutation rate
  Initialize the pheromone tables
  Generate initial harmony randomly and apply pheromone update
  while (not_termination)
      for   : number of nodes
     Generate random number variable (rand)
     if (rand < )
       Generate random number variable (rand)
       if (rand < ), generate the nearest city to the previous harmonic
       else choose an existing harmonic the highest fitness probability
       end if
     else generate new harmonics via randomization
     end if
      end for
      Accept the new harmonics (solutions) if better
      Generate random number variable (rand)
      if (rand < ) operate inversion mutation end if
      Apply the pheromone update
      Create as many cities as the HMS based pheromone using Ant Colony Optimization
      Update harmony memory and apply pheromone update
  end while
  Find the current best solutions