Research Article

Cellular Harmony Search for Optimization Problems

Table 2

Key to CEC’2005 comparative methods.

Key Method name Reference

BLXGL50 Hybrid real-coded genetic algorithms with female and male differentiation [31]
BLX-MA Adaptive local search parameters for real-coded memetic algorithms [32]
CoEVO Real-parameter optimization using the mutation step coevolution [33]
DE Real-parameter optimization with differential evolution [34]
DMS-L-PSO Dynamic multiswarm particle swarm optimizer with local search [35]
EDA Experimental results for the special session on real-parameter optimization at CEC’2005: a simple, continuous EDA [36]
K-PCX A population-based, steady-state procedure for real-parameter optimization [37]
G-CMA-ES A restart CMA evolution strategy with increasing population size [38]
L-CMA-ES Performance evaluation of an advanced local search evolutionary algorithm [39]
L-SaDE Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm [40]
SPC-PNX Real-parameter optimization performance study on the CEC-2005 benchmark with SPC-PNX [41]