Research Article

Quantification of Stretching in the Ventricular Wall and Corpus Callosum and Corticospinal Tracts in Hydrocephalus before and after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Operation

Figure 4

Upperrow: displacement of the CC and CS fiber tracts during hydrocephalus development overplayed with the pre-operative brain image at coronal cross-section (left) and sagittal cross-section (right). The axonal tracts with white color represent the tracts at the healthy stage, the purple arrow shows the displacement occurred during hydrocephalus development with the arrow length in proportion to the displacement magnitude, and the colored fiber tracts represent the distorted tracts at postoperative stage with color scale legend indicating magnitude of displacement. Lower row: the 1st principal strain levels at the CS and the CC fiber tracts. Note that the color scale for the CS and CC fiber tracts is different in order to have a better illustration.