Research Article

An Improved Exact Algorithm for Least-Squares Unidimensional Scaling

Table 5

Relative performance of the tests.

B & B BB3
Sym. Dom. UB Sym. Dom. UB

p20 11.58a 88.24b 0.18c 11.11a 88.73b 0.16c
p25 8.86a 90.87b 0.27c 8.48a 91.43b 0.09c
p30 7.01a 92.84 b 0.15c 6.29a 93.64b 0.07c
M26 11.40a 88.47 b 0.13c 10.44a 89.52b 0.04c
J28 8.55a 89.23 b 2.22c 5.68 a 94.26b 0.06c
F20 8.01a 75.63 b 16.36c 13.25a 85.42b 1.33c
F25 7.04a 81.27 b 11.69c 10.31a 89.39b 0.30c
F30 8.95a 83.91b 7.14c 7.74a 92.16b 0.10c
F35 8.53a 87.23b 4.24cabc
M36 8.82a 91.14b 0.04cabc

Percentage of partial solutions fathomed due to symmetry test.
Percentage of partial solutions fathomed due to dominance test.
Percentage of partial solutions fathomed due to bound test.