Research Article

Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh with Cracky Rectangular Model

Table 2

The routing table for border nodes of cracky blocks.

's border position is west 's border position is east

and if (a)
if (b)
and if (a) and if (a)
if (b) if (b)
and if (a)
if (b)
and if (a) and if (a)
if (b) if (b)

's border position is south 's border position is north

and if (a) and if (a)
if (b) if (b)
and if (a)
if (b)
and if (a) and if (a)
if (b) if (b)
and if (a)
if (b)

's border position is NE corner 's border position is SE corner 's border position is SW corner 's border position is NW corner

if (c) if (c) (d) (d)
if (c) (d) (d) if (c)
(d) (d) if (c) if (c)
(d) if (c) if (c) (d)

(a): is not final.
(b): is final.
(c): let the destination node of the message be , if and 's status is good, s.t. .
(d): using the basic routing function.