Research Article

Conditional Stochastic Simulations of Flow and Transport with Karhunen-Loève Expansions, Stochastic Collocation, and Sequential Gaussian Simulation

Algorithm 1

Parameters for SGSIM
../data/nodata.dat \file with data
000000  \columns for X,Y,Z,vr,wt,sec.var.
0.01.0e21 \trimming limits
0 \transform the data (0=no, 1=yes)
sgsim.trn   \file for output trans table
0     \consider ref. dist (0=no, 1=yes)
histsmth.out   \file with ref. dist distribution
0  0   \columns for vr and wt
0.0  15.0           \zmin,zmax(tail extrapolation)
1  0.0    \lower tail option, parameter
115.0         \upper tail option, parameter
1     \debugging level: 0,1,2,3
sgsim.dbg \file for debugging output
sgsim.out \file for simulation output
100         \number of realizations to generate
50 0.01 0.02 \nx,xmn,xsiz
50 0.010.02 \ny,ymn,ysiz
1 1 1.0 \nz,zmn,zsiz
60754 \random number seed
08 \min and max original data for sim
4 \number of simulated nodes to use
1 \assign data to nodes (0=no, 1=yes)
13 \multiple grid search (0=no, 1=yes),num
0 \maximum data per octant (0=not used)
111 \maximum search radii (hmax,hmin,vert) \angles for search ellipsoid
00.601.0 \ktype: 0=SK,1=OK,2=LVM,3=EXDR,4=COLC
../data/nodata.dat \file with LVM, EXDR, or COLC variable
0 \column for secondary variable
10.0 \nst, nugget effect
310.00.00.0 \it,cc,ang1,ang2,ang3
0.6 0.6 0.6 \a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert