Research Article

Preliminary Results on the Use of Leather Chrome Shavings for Air Passive Sampling

Figure 2

Total ion chromatogram obtained for a blank (A), a passive sampler deployed 24 h in a glass container with air spiked at 5.26 mg m−3 VOCs level (B), and a passive sampler spiked with 2.5 μg of VOCs standard solution (C). Note: peaks correspond to carbon disulfide (1); chloroform (2); 1,1,1-thrichloroethane (3); 1,2-dichloroethane (4); benzene (5); cyclohexane (6); 2, 2, 4-thrimethylpentane (7); trichloroethylene (8); bromodichloromethane (9); toluene-d8 (10); toluene (11); dibromochloromethane (12); tetrachloroethylene (13); ethylbenzene (14); 𝑚 , 𝑝 -xylene (15); 𝑜 -xylene (16); bromoform (17).