Research Article

Venus Figurines of the European Paleolithic: Symbols of Fertility or Attractiveness?

Table 1

Waist-to hip ratio (WHR), mean attractiveness rating, and numbers of participants rating the images (shown in Figure 1) as being pregnant or nonpregnant and belonging to one of four age groups.

Image number and nameWHRAttractiveness ratingPregnant?Adolescent?Young adult?Middle aged?Old?no. of participants

(1) Willendorf1.160.14 34127***17122***31161
(2) Lespugue1.560.66 70915 71*** 71***14161
(3) Laussel0.810.90125***363 57 86***15161
(4) Dolní Věstonice1.201.25 91706 69*** 83*** 3161
(5) Gagarino1.030.83 897214 54 4449161
(6) Moravany1.001.50 83781 67*** 88*** 5161
(7) Kostenki1.041.44148***1335 82***37 7161
(8) Grimaldi1.040.61 36125***1 24 94***42161
(9) Chiozza di Scandiano 1.05 1.11 7685 60* 64** 32 5 161
(10) Petřkovice0.721.92 12149***40 97*** 18 6161
(11) Modern Statue0.693.89 0161***2 151*** 8 0161
(12) Eleesivitchi0.631.74 7154***17 99***44 1161
(13) Savignano1.030.92141***204 36 103***18161
(14) Brassempouy0.781.30 75861 22 126***12161
(15) Hohle Fels1.030.19 2690***1 8 4067***116

Chi-squared: * ; ** ; *** . Where observed numbers of participants selecting a particular category exceeded those expected to do so at chance levels.