Research Article

The Human Mandible and the Origins of Speech

Figure 3

Regression of cortical area in midsagittal section on mandibular length ( 𝑟 = 0 . 9 3 ) for an adult sample of 100 hominoid mandibles ( 𝑁 = 1 0 males and females of Pan troglodytes [t], Pongo pygmaeus [p], Gorilla gorilla [g], Homo [open circles], Hylobates lar and agilis [h]) [23]. The modern human sample (open circles) is superimposed on the hominoid regression. Human mandibles possess more bone than expected based on scaling relationships among all hominoids, based on a G-test for the random distribution of residuals above and below the regression line ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 ).