Research Article

Impairments in Activities of Daily Living in Older Japanese Men in Hawaii and Japan

Table 1

Percent of elderly men with an impairment in activities of daily living (ADL) in Hawaii and Japan.

Percent prevalence of an ADL impairment
ADL impairmentHawaii (1863)*Japan (543)Relative odds

Feeding difficulty4.7 (87)2.2 (12)2.17|| (1.18,3.99)§
Difficulty in using the toilet6.0 (111)3.3 (18)1.85 (1.11,3.07)
Dressing difficulty8.6 (161)4.1 (22)2.24** (1.42,3.54)
Bathing difficulty8.1 (150)4.4 (24)1.89†† (1.22,2.95)
Difficulty in walking around the house8.5 (158)2.4 (13)3.78** (2.13,6.71)

*Sample size, relative odds compare Hawaii to Japan.
Number with the impairment, §95% confidence interval.
Significant excess odds of having an ADL impairment in Hawaii versus Japan: , , , .